10 Salons That We Love!


Salons in Huntsville

Here at TSPA Huntsville, we love to support salons in our community. There are so many wonderful salons in our area that we want to show a little appreciation to. We think that showing support and love to each other is what makes this industry so special. Each salon brings their own unique style and services that help people around our city feel good about themselves. We think that’s something worth celebrating. Here are ten of our favorite salons nearby!

Read more10 Salons That We Love!

What Hairstyle Fits you Best? Find Out With Our Tell All Quiz!

Woman looking at herself with different colored hair. Deciding on look. Finding the perfect hairstyle can be difficult, with dozens of different options and trends popping up almost daily!
What hairstyle you choose and what style will look good on you largely depends not only on what your habits and likes are, but the shape of your face.
Using all of these aspects, we can help you discover your perfect hairstyle in only six questions!

Read moreWhat Hairstyle Fits you Best? Find Out With Our Tell All Quiz!

Are You Ready for Cosmetology School?

Pretty woman with jar of money looking at it curiously. It’s a fact that has been poured into your head since a young age, mentioned by grandparents as they pressed a ten dollar bill into your hand and bored into your head by your father as you complained about having broccoli for dinner – again.
“The career choice you make will affect the rest of your life.”
Luckily for you, you already know what you want to do. Hard part done.
You want to be a cosmetologist.
But what do you need to do now that you have made this decision? What are the next steps to actually enroll?

Read moreAre You Ready for Cosmetology School?

Signs That It’s Time to Pursue a Career in Beauty

Beautiful, and joyous, African American woman with logo for blog: 10 things about a career in beauty

Admit it, you have seen the writing on the wall. You’ve noticed it as you carefully lay out brushes and sharpen your scissors. You’ve heard the voice gnawing in the back of your mind as you watched Queen Latifah’s “Beauty Shop” for the hundredth time.

You want a career in beauty.

You want this to be your life.

But how do you know for sure, and how did you get here in the first place?

Here are the ten signs that you might be ready for a career in the beauty industry, you know, just so you can make sure.

Read moreSigns That It’s Time to Pursue a Career in Beauty

12 Things Only Cosmetologists Will Understand

Girl with brush over face smiling

Cosmetologists go through extensive training to pursue a rewarding career in the beauty industry. Hairstyling, makeup, hair cutting; they do it all! As inclusive as the world of beauty may seem, there are just some things that you will never understand unless you’ve worked as a professional in the industry!

Read more12 Things Only Cosmetologists Will Understand

Plan Your Future Today

beautiful girl dressed all in black, sitting on a brick wall.

High school seniors are preparing to graduate and head off to college this coming spring and a lot of juniors are scheduling tours and making sure their grades are looking good for applications. But are you hesitant about attending a university? We are here to tell you that that is okay! Even if a university education doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be thinking about your future. Before you agree to spend the next four years at a university, don’t settle! Take some time to explore your options first. Start thinking about taking up a trade like cosmetology. Your best friend may be bummed that you won’t be roommates next semester in the dorms, but we don’t think she will be complaining when you can hook her up with some amazing hair, glowing skin and a fresh manicure!

Read morePlan Your Future Today